Top-100 students of Almaty colleges
Yashchenko Dmitry student of ACoCaFC takes part in the competition “top-100 students of Almaty colleges” good luck to our good!!! ...
Preventive work
In order to prevent delinquency among students, tutors and college masters conducted classroom hours through the zoom and whats app. Preventive work ...
Family Day
In 2013, the President amended the Decree “On professional and other holidays in the Republic of Kazakhstan” and established the second ...
“Almaty is a beautiful city”
“Almaty is a beautiful city”. Purpose: to adapt to the bright future of Almaty, to analyze and weigh the directions of development, innovative ...
Pedagogical Council №1
In AKSiNP on September 3, at 12.00, in accordance with the goals and objectives, a remote Pedagogical Council was held through the ZOOM app. Agenda ...
Happy Constitution day
Dear Kazakh people, congratulations on the 25th anniversary of our Constitution. Let the future of our country flourish, let our blue flag fly. With ...
Program for the development of pedagogical skills
As part of updating the content of Secondary Education, College teachers are taking advanced training courses on the subject “mathematics&; ...